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Oct 13, 2013

Advertising for a law firm or practice does not come without challenges. While there is no shortage of people in Idaho in need of legal assistance, it may seem like that to a law firm or lawyer struggling to stay afloat. All too obviously, without clients, it doesn’t pay to have completed law school. Investing in marketing is essential to finding clients; a sound marketing strategy will pay for itself more quickly than one might think.

Most often, lawyers are not also advertising gurus, so naturally, it can be overwhelming to think about maintaining a practice, keeping clients satisfied, and also figuring out the best way to reach key demographics. While advances in technology have opened new avenues for advertising, those avenues only get results if you know how use them. An attorney’s online presence can set him or her apart from competition, and a lack of online presence can mean the difference between success and failure. As social media becomes a larger and larger part of American culture, many Idaho lawyers have recognized the need to hire advertising agencies. DotcomLegalMarketing is an agency that specializes in identifying current advertising trends in Idaho in order to best promote a law firm or lawyer. The following are a few of the approaches used by DotcomLegalMarketing:

• Website design that focuses on lead generation. DotcomLegalMarketing understands what prospective clients are looking for when they visit a website of the law firm as well as what turns prospective clients away. A visually appealing, modern design that exudes professionalism is a great way to convey a professional image. Additionally, DotcomLegalMarketing knows what it takes to get potential clients to the website to begin with. It does not matter how amazing the website is if no one ever sees it, and DotcomLegalMarketing makes it a priority to keep your site busy. From presentation to functionality, the website will be top-notch.

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• Search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is a way of telling search engines what information readers will find at your site, which then affects how easy or difficult it is for someone to find your site in a list of search results. Strategic titles and effective use of keywords are two ways of communicating with search engines. Search engines also look for sites that are easy to navigate and work properly, both of which are important aspects of the websites created by DotcomLegalMarketing. Many agencies claim to understand how to utilize SEO to get results; DotcomLegalMarketing is known for its effectiveness with SEO when it comes to lawyers and law practices. Optimization extends to mobile and other device platforms as well.

• Video production. In the information age, people expect quick and effortless information. Videos can be a way to grab a client’s attention. Additionally, a website that offers videos that address common questions, concerns, and legal proceedings can keep potential clients on the site longer.

• Customized business strategies. DotcomLegalMarketing takes the time to find out what exactly a business needs in order to create an advertising strategy unique to those needs. It doesn’t matter how large or small the law firm, DotcomLegalMarketing has options and ideas.
The bottom line is that in order to succeed, a lawyer or law firm needs clients, and an effective online presence cannot be overlooked when it comes to generating leads. When it comes to legal issues, many people turn to the Internet for quick answers, which means they often stay on the Internet if they decide they then need to find a lawyer. It is imperative that your site is easy to find, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Let the professionals at DotcomLegalMarketing contribute to the success of your Idaho law firm.